body measurements

May 23, 2022

how to take body measurements

For taking all measurements you should ask a buddy for help.

Take measurements at least twice and compare, so errors are minimized.

1. total height

Standing against the wall with your feet aboy 20cm apart.  Set a hardback book or a level on top of your head.


Make it touch the wall. You may mark it or just measure from this point to the floor.



this is total height in cm

2. arm length

Hold a cylindrical object like on the foto.  Holding the arm parallel to the ground is important. The object in your hand should be perpendicular to your arm. Locate the Pivot of the arm to shoulder point. When moving the arm you can locate the pivot easily. Measure from this point to the center of the object or the knuckles. Measure both arms and average the measurements.



this is arm length in cm

3. inseam

You should wear cycling shorts and take the measurements in bare feet or socks, no shoes.  Feet approximately 20cm apart.


Put the level inside your legs. Pressure the level on your crotch, like it feels when sitting on your seat. Measuring the distance from the top of the level to the ground is the most important. Instead of a level you may use a cane or a stick if it feels more comfortable than a level. But it has to be absolutely horizontal.



this is the inseam in cm

4. sternal notch

Stand up against a wall. Set your feet approximately 20cm apart.  Find the sternal notch in your neck. The sternal notch is the bony "V" beneath your Adam's apple. Measure the distance from the floor to the apex of the sternal notch.



sternal notch in cm


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